
About Sadhana: discovery feminine power

"It is important to have a personal passion in addition to your daily job."

Sadhna Gopalrai Sadhana Meijer-Gopalrai (1967): in addition to her current profession as a business counselor and cultural coach, she has also been an expert in classical Indian temple dance from a younger age. This dance form unites like no other the physical dynamics with fine motor skills together with the inspiration and beauty of the dance. Her own experiences in the process of mastering this dance and maintaining her skills are a continuous source of inspiration for inspiring workshops and dance classes. Sadhana's personal synthesis of Indian background with collateral philosophy of life and Western dance trainings in combination with her professional experience makes her a unique and intuitive guru (teacher): she combines Bharata Natyam with in-depth knowledge about dance therapy and movement expression, so that her shisyas (students) receive personal attention.

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